Choosing the right marine system
If you've visited our Buy Now page you might have been overwhelmed by the number of systems we have on offer (22 different versions in total) so let's break it down to help you with your decision. Don't forget we are only an email or phone call away so don't hesitate to reach out and we'll ensure you don't spend more than you need.
First Decision - Sea Water or Bore Water?
Second Decision - How Much Water?
There are a number of items to take into account here:
How long do I run my genset each day?
How many people do I have on board?
How large is my water tank?
All of these impact upon whether you need an 80 litre per hour solution, a 160 or a 240. If you only wish to run the genset for the shortest time possible you may wish to consider a 160 or 240 litre (per hour) solution. The pumps use a similar amount of power to run per hour regardless of litres produced. If you run your genset for more than 1-2 hours per day an 80 system may suffice. An average person uses 40 litres per day on a boat. This obviously can fluctuate if you have family that love washing their hair or shower often. The goal is to replenish whatever size tank you have each day or two with the water used. So, if you have 4 people on board you may use 160 litres in a day. Our 80 system will need to run for 2 hours, our 160 system for 1 and our 240 litre per hour system for less than an hour. p.s Our most popular systems are the 160 litres per hour ones.
Please note Litres per hour ratings are the maximum rated output, you may produce lower rates.
Please note that if you are desalinating bore water you will achieve 100, 200 or 300 litres per hour - the membranes don't have to work as hard!
Third Decision - Which high-pressure pump?
* Supply your own Karcher pump?
* Our supplied Premium Stainless Steel Ceramic Piston Triplex pump?
The K2 Karcher will happily run our lowest price solutions and effectively runs an 80 system. It's designed to last for only a few years - up to 500 hours. If it fails it's only $150 to replace so it will take you about 10 years to spend the same money on the K2 as you would have spent on the Premium Triplex one. Our automated fresh water flush that comes with every system also helps the Karchers last longer as well as protecting the expensive RO membrane. Other companies charge over $500 for a similar 'add-on'. It's essential. The K4 is an affordable workhorse of our solutions. It's water-cooled (so great for those hot spaces) and this also reduces the pump noise. It's powerful enough to happily power the 80, 160 and 240 litre systems and will last up to 2,500 hours. That's a lot of water! Once again, if you replace this pump every 3 years you will take 10 years before you have spent the same amount as the Premium Triplex pump. Speaking of the Premium Triplex pump - the flagship of our fleet! Stainless steel manifold and valves. Ceramic pistons. If you are looking for many years of zero worries - this is the one for you and the best pump for all our systems - 80, 160 and 240. Please do not olace the K2 in a hot space - unfortunately it just wont last.
If you are considering running the pumps from an inverter (thus achieving a cost effective 12v system, you will find any of the name brand ones with a 3000w rating such as Victron will happily power the K2, K4 or premium pumps. We recommend 160 lph or above if you are using 12v to power the system.
Purchasing your own Karcher also gives you their 5 year warranty.
Forth Decision - Remote Panel or Naked?
As you can see in our system images, there is a needle valve and pressure gauge on one end of the high pressure tube. That's our naked system and to operate the system you must go to wherever you have installed those tubes. If this is hard to get to, we have developed a remote control panel that measures 250mm w x 200mm h x 100mm d that will bring together all the switches, gauges, meters and controls to a central location. This allows you to have a stylish panel to run the system without having to open a hatch or having to enter a lazarette to turn the system on and off. They come in 2 colours - black or white. Of course the systems work perfectly without this option.

Please note that we ship panel systems without their hoses as you will need to situate the components and advise us of required hose lengths that we make for you. We then ship a box of hoses to you for stress free installation. The panel comes fully assembled.
Fifth Decision - Where will I put it?
That requires consideration but all of our systems are modular and connected by John Guest PEX hoses. This means that you can place the boost pump near the seacock - you can place the pre-filters anywhere convenient and run hose to them and you can place the high pressure pump and tubes also wherever you find best. We sometimes think that we have made it too difficult for our clients as they have too many options! Seriously though, we have yet to find a boat where our solutions just couldn't be squeezed in.
Some dimensions for you of the major items (approximate):
High Pressure Tube(s) - 1500mmx100x100 (mm) required (we can get it down to 1200 with 90 degree end fittings - just specify in the note of your purchase)
High Pressure Pump - 570mmx300x270 maximum (The Premium pump needs 600x250x250)
Filter Assembly - 1000mmx400x200 (you can separate it as required)
Once again, we are only a phone call or email away to assist you with your decision. We want to ensure you pick the best solution for your needs and don't spend any more than you have to on your boating lifestyle.
If you are ready to purchase, click 'Price Your System' below and we look forward to welcoming you into the Water Makers' customer club.
Each system on the Buy Now page has a comprehensive list of what's included. If you would like to read further you can find a full list of what's included here.